Prompt Categories

Intro Quests

An introductin to The Elysium! A place where you can set your character stats and begin your journey!

General Quests

Basic quests not tied to the main story!

Growth Quests

Grow up your baby character with 3 of these quests and earn a momento box!

Forging Quests

Forge your character's special weapon here! They can be used in card battles to grant you extra damage!

Special Quests

These quests are mini story quests with special rewards!

Training Quests

These quests grant higher stat sets than other quests. Some grant multiple stats!

Story Event Quests

Follow the story of The Elysium! Will your character make an impact?

General Events

Non story related events of elysiphim!


Enter raffles here!

Legendary Quests

Earn cards from legendary figures!

Relationship Quests

Earn favor with NPCs to earn their card for battle!

Lore Drives

Submit art or writing with a chance to be entered into the official library/lore of elysiphim! It is not guaranteed to be entered into official lore though!

Seasonal Quests

Quests that change with the season!

Casual Quests

Fun random prompts!

<a href=" Battle Turnin" class="display-category">Card Battle Turnin</a>

Card Battle Turnin

Turn in your card battles here!


Claim special rewards here!

16 results found.